The most important goal of internet web marketing is to increase traffic to your web site. You can think of your web site as your shop front; and the more people you can entice to come into your shop front, the more customers you will have. The best way to increase traffic to your website is to increase your search engine rankings. This can be a challenge, but with some work and persistence you shouldn’t have too many problems.
The first internet web marketing tip for increasing search engine ranking is to build your internal and incoming links. Internal links are simply links on your site that link to other pages on your site. It is important that each of your pages contains links to the all of the other pages on your site.
This will increase the page rank of every page on your web site. Incoming links can be placed on other, smaller websites that you have built. These other sites will be smaller and you will only need a few pages for them. Now, put links on these pages that link to your main site and cross link them using the same keywords.
Another thing you should keep in mind in internet web marketing is that you can improve your search engine ranking using some simple HTML tricks. You know that the Title tag goes directly under the Head tag. In this Title tag you have an excellent opportunity to place some keywords.
Don’t just put them in a list though; make a coherent sentence that explains what your site is and what it can do for the visitor. Put 4 or 5 of the best keywords in this sentence. Make sure you have 1 or 2 keywords in each of your Heading tags (H1, H2) as well.
Next, you should know a little bit about Meta tags. These tags used to be search engines’ most used method of ranking webs sites. Today, they are barely used as search engines have moved on to use different methods.
Meta tags are still used occasionally and it will only take a few seconds to put them in, so most people agree that you should have Meta tags in your web page. Use the META NAME="description" tag directly under your title tag and make a list of the most relevant key words for your site. Don’t use popular key words that have nothing to do with your site; search engines do not like this.
The final thing that needs mentioning regards the keywords on your site. The text on your web pages should have some keywords in it. Just use them sparingly. Put 1 keyword at the beginning of your major paragraphs.
This is enough. If you put too many keywords on your web site then search engines will just see it as spam and ignore it. Also, never put keywords in where they don’t make sense. If you keep these and other internet web marketing tips in mind, you are certain to have great success in the promotion of your website.
The first internet web marketing tip for increasing search engine ranking is to build your internal and incoming links. Internal links are simply links on your site that link to other pages on your site. It is important that each of your pages contains links to the all of the other pages on your site.
This will increase the page rank of every page on your web site. Incoming links can be placed on other, smaller websites that you have built. These other sites will be smaller and you will only need a few pages for them. Now, put links on these pages that link to your main site and cross link them using the same keywords.
Another thing you should keep in mind in internet web marketing is that you can improve your search engine ranking using some simple HTML tricks. You know that the Title tag goes directly under the Head tag. In this Title tag you have an excellent opportunity to place some keywords.
Don’t just put them in a list though; make a coherent sentence that explains what your site is and what it can do for the visitor. Put 4 or 5 of the best keywords in this sentence. Make sure you have 1 or 2 keywords in each of your Heading tags (H1, H2) as well.
Next, you should know a little bit about Meta tags. These tags used to be search engines’ most used method of ranking webs sites. Today, they are barely used as search engines have moved on to use different methods.
Meta tags are still used occasionally and it will only take a few seconds to put them in, so most people agree that you should have Meta tags in your web page. Use the META NAME="description" tag directly under your title tag and make a list of the most relevant key words for your site. Don’t use popular key words that have nothing to do with your site; search engines do not like this.
The final thing that needs mentioning regards the keywords on your site. The text on your web pages should have some keywords in it. Just use them sparingly. Put 1 keyword at the beginning of your major paragraphs.
This is enough. If you put too many keywords on your web site then search engines will just see it as spam and ignore it. Also, never put keywords in where they don’t make sense. If you keep these and other internet web marketing tips in mind, you are certain to have great success in the promotion of your website.
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