No two people are alike in the MLM business

But there are some shared personality traits that are common to those who have started and operated in MLM already.

One of the most common personalities inherent among MLM business people is their entrepreneurial spirit.

What are some of these traits that make up an MLM entrepreneur?


Self-starters are the type of people who do not just sit around thinking about something over and over again. Yet no action is taken to get things done. They decide on what needs to be done and simply do it.

Take this example. You are in need of your own MLM website but income limits you from just hiring a web design company to make that site. As a self-starter, you would go to work about gathering all the information pertinent to web design and development.

Then you would develop and design your site. In the end you would have a website that you have developed yourself.

One vital trait of a self-starter it to know their strengths and weaknesses and be able to accept them.

The self-motivated MLM individual has a lot of motivation and drive. Because each person is a unique being, one person's motivations may be different from everyone else's.

For example, your motivation for starting your MLM business could be to earn $500 or $1,000 per month or $10,000 or $20,000 per month. Or it could be that you want to home school your kids, and that requires earning an income working from home.

Your level of motivation to a large measure will be dependent up on your purpose and level of commitment. It depends on how big your dream is.


The creative individual has a lot of great ideas. They are usually able to come up with good ideas and problem solving solutions. Many of their ideas are often the results of listening and observing other business that is related to MLM.

They focus on finding solutions, rather than dwelling on the challenges.

For example, if you have a limited advertising budget, you would get to work finding all the available free advertising avenues instead to thinking over and over how limited your budget is.

Your creativity would result in expanding your MLM advertising program. You would also have the knowledge from research. Thus, resolving the problem and creating an additional income.


The self-disciplined individual is one who does not need someone standing over. Or having someone tells them what, how and when to do. They do not need anyone telling to get something done. They are able to determine what needs to be done, then set aside time to do it.

An MLM business may fail, many do first time around. But the self-disciplined individual does not accept that they are a failure. They simply learn from the mistakes and use them as a tool to attain success.

As an entrepreneur in MLM you should be able to adapt. You will find yourself playing different roles such as: marketer, promoter, public relations, motivator, sponsor, Webmaster...and so forth. You are not afraid of chance and are opened and flexible to them.

Successful businesses are not built over night but over time. As a MLM entrepreneur you are willing to go the extra mile, put forth the time and effort needed to build a successful business organization.

How to fail in MLM marketing

A few problems that some new MLM marketing people have:

1. No upline support.

Once a person joins a new MLM marketing program, he or she is vulnerable and needs a lot of help from something or someone.

In many cases, the uplines are not actively helping them. This happens a lot when the uplines are simply sponsoring as many people as they can with no regard to what happens to them after they get sponsored.

In most standard MLM marketing programs, it is important that the new person gets immediate assistance from a local person, or tools that you have. Otherwise their chances for survival are very slim.

2. New MLM marketers cannot sell.

This is probably the major reason most people do not make it MLM marketing. By using standard MLM techniques, you have got to sell and learn how to speak at opportunity meetings and the like.

3. MLM'er cannot generate good leads.

Next to the selling problem, this has to be the next biggest reason most people fail in MLM marketing.

Here is a picture of what normally happens. The new person has just signed up in an exciting MLM program. He is taught by the manuals, meetings and so forth, how he should "share" his product with his friends, neighbors and relatives.

Normally, he is not comfortable with this, and if he is typical, he will have many sleepless, tossing and turning nights. He just doesn't want to "impose" on his friends! He would feel a lot more comfortable just presenting his opportunity to strangers.

4. No true duplicative system.

If the MLM marketing company must be promoted through expensive methods, this is not feasible.
Learning how to sell, or to speak and conduct an opportunity meeting is just not duplicative. Only a few people can do this. Here again, is a very important reason a lot of would be MLM'ers die on the vine.

5. Selling by mail using standard MLM techniques.

Traditional way to marketing MLM is to spend all spare time to call around and travel around to get prospects. A lot of people already have full time job, it is hard to find extra time to travel and make phone calls. This is why these MLM marketers cannot keep their program going.
6. The marketer is not sure about the MLM marketing company or service.

Often a person will sign up in a MLM marketing program in a "fit of excitement." After the dust clears, he comes down to earth and reality slowly sets in.

Pick an established and financially sound MLM company that is at least two years old with unquestionable products or services. That way, you can feel good about the company and products that you are promoting. There is nothing quite like being able to "tell the complete truth" to your prospective customers.

7. They do not stick with it long enough.

Starting any company takes time, and this is true with an MLM marketing program as well.
By the time you study the program, write and receive literature: study this and sign up; get the literature, etc. a lot of time has been spent. And then you have to generate your leads and so on.

It will take several months before you can expect much of anything to happen to your MLM marketing. You should set in your mind that you are going to stick with this for at least sometime. That just makes good business sense.

Simplicity and duplicity in networking MLM

Ask some of the more successful MLM marketers and they will tell you that the key factor in networking MLM is simplicity.

Networking MLM is a very simple business. But keeping it simple does not mean that hard work is not involved. One of the common mistakes is that people try to make it complicated.

Even if a complex system achieved great results for you, others will find it difficult to copy. In networking MLM, personal success is not your greatest asset.

Your greatest asset is having a system that guarantees the success of everyone using it. The success of others, and your success, is dependant upon their ability to do the same things you do. Keep the least experienced of those in your network in mind when you set up a system of doing things for your organization to follow.

Everything you do must be simple enough so that everyone can quickly duplicate your efforts and achieve the same phenomenal results as you.

In MLM networking, you should not do things that require special skills, resources which are available only to you or to a limited number of people. Open up your business to a much larger pool of people who can become successful.
You need to build your network as quickly as possible. You can only meet with a few people each day and can personally close even fewer sales.

But using an MLM networking strategy, you can help others quickly learn to do the same simple things as you. When they do, they multiply your efforts.

Go for the same phenomenal results. This is quality duplication. Each person in your MLM networking, from top to bottom, must be able to exactly duplicate what you are doing and be able to teach others to do exactly the same thing. How large a sales team you can build depends on how well it is duplicated.

To ensure duplication, you need a system or processes that anybody and everybody can follow and teach. You cannot duplicate a person but you can duplicate a system.

In building a successful and long-term network, the MLM networking system must rule. Remember a system is only as good as it is duplicated.

The more complex a system, the less likely quality duplication will be achieved. To make sure you duplicate well, follow the System you are provided with religiously. There is no perfect system and your time is better spent perfecting your ability to duplicate it rather than perfecting a system.

Take this example. Ray Krocs, the founder of MacDonald’s cannot be duplicated but the MacDonald’s franchise system can be and is, to almost 100% perfection in 18,000 outlets worldwide.

Keeping it simple. To ensure you do things that your distributor can learn from and duplicate.

Is what I am doing easily duplicable?
Is it simple enough to be duplicated? Keep asking yourself this same questions and if you answer “yes” at least 75 % of the time, you are on the right track.

The most successful people in MLM networking business understand that everything must be kept simple in order to grow your business. Show others how simple it is to do what you do. They need to see you do it, and then believe it is simple enough for them to quickly duplicate to achieve the same good results in your MLM networking.

Handling the stress of online MLM business

Are you looking online for a possible MLM business avenue of creating income and relieving you of your present burdens?

You are not alone. Many individuals see the potential for building their own business from wherever they are on this globe by means of the Internet. The online MLM business provides a level playing field and appeals to men and women of all ages as a prospective means of conducting business from the comfort of home.

However, despite the fact that running a business through the Internet can often be less expensive than a traditional business and allows you access to a worldwide market at any time of the day, the truth behind starting an MLM business online is that it can be as stressful as any other business. How can you prepare yourself for this obstacle?

Always wear your “game face”.

It is a tough game to start an online MLM business. You are guaranteed to experience times when your self-confidence is shaken, you feel the task is beyond your abilities and you beat yourself up for making mistakes.

Move on. It is part of creating business and you will have to face these issues whether it is your first attempt or even if you have been in the MLM business online for years. Changes happen fast on the Internet and that includes changes to businesses. One day you will be amazing yourself and the next day you will think you've been beat.

The best solution to this is to expect it and plan to move on despite those feelings.
Forget the hype.

Nearly every business can benefit from online MLM business exposure.

Are you inspired by the many programs that claim "instant wealth - easy to learn!"? Do not believe it. Regardless of if you have been in business for a long time or this is your first attempt, online MLM business done through the Internet has it's own methods and you better be ready to learn them if you want to make money.

The learning curve can be steep and some individuals find it daunting. The good thing to remember is that it is possible for nearly anyone to operate an MLM business online no matter what their previous experience. Just be prepared to learn and have patience with your attempts.

Do not use all your money.

It is easy to forget the need for a budget when you can spend money so easily online. Do not buy into every MLM business opportunity online or training program. Visit online forums to acquire a feel for the best systems available. Make friends on these forums that will support you when you are overwhelmed or needing advice.

The only thing worse than finding out you made a mistake is finding out that it cost you money. Remember that every experience is a learning experience. Try to stick to a budget but do not permit yourself to dwell on mistakes when they happen. Learn and move on.

Taking the necessary steps to prepare you for the stress and rejection that all new MLM business owners’ online face will enable you to build on that knowledge and create a successful business.

Fortunately, there are many who do not make it that far in the online MLM business. So that leaves the wide open for you.

Come and take the home-based MLM business opportunity ride

Is it possible to enter into a home-based MLM business opportunity over the Internet? Why not? The “yes” will answer you right in front of your face. Everything is possible with the participation of Internet especially in the modern business transactions.

But is home-based MLM business opportunity feasible and profitable? How can one succeed in this kind of business?

Are you ready to take a ride into the four-step procedures toward a successful home-based MLM business?

Here they are:

Step number 1. Recruit First

Why do you have to recruit first instead of doing other things?

Home-based MLM business opportunities are network marketing. It is composed of uplines and downlines.

Uplines are independent representatives who recruit another independent representative which they will use in the direct selling of goods and services to customers. Put simply, the recruiter is the upline. They get their commission on the sales of the other independent representatives.

On the other hand, the recruited independent representatives are the downlines. Home-based MLM business opportunity is a commission-based joint effort of uplines and downlines.

That is the main reason why both uplines and downlines must work together. Without the other, the whole business force will be paralyzed. It will not function.

What does this mean? Both parties share the same level of importance or significance to the group. Try to imagine a home-based MLM business opportunity without uplines and downlines? It does not seem right, isn’t it? You’re going to have these four (4) “NO”:

If you do not have recruited independent representatives or if they are not working effectively, there will be no income, no consumption of products and services, no one to market the products and services and no one will cater the customers.

Step number 2. Maintain the minimum sales required.

Home-based MLM business opportunities are so simple yet requires careful analysis of the sales income. You have to be a mathematician on this part to be able to tally your expenses and revenues.

Everyday, independent representatives market the products and services. So make it a habit to tally the income entering everyday and the expenses leaving every hour.

Step number 3. Monitor the consumption of products and services.

Check your inventory. There is no further explanation needed as it is stated clearly enough. This simply means maintaining the minimum stock of products available to avoid having an empty or void stock.

Step number 4. Train your downlines regularly.

In every field, learning is always a requirement. Even if you are a teacher, you still need to study and learn.

The thing here is to have a constant training schedule for the downlines. Study shows that a well-instructed downline creates a big difference than the downline with stagnant information in mind.

Constant study really pays at the end. Some of the recommended topics are proper customer treatment, how to communicate effectively, business ethics, and everything that is needed to help them as well as your home-based MLM business.

If you have already taken into account all the procedures needed to have a successful home-based MLM business opportunity, you are now ready towards establishing that career path.

The formulas are already in your hands. All that is needed now is to get it into effect. The only thing missing to complete the home-based MLM business opportunity is you.

One quality you cannot do without in MLM personal finance success

Consider this. Having the right skills will get you far in this business. But with the wrong attitude, how long do you think your personal finance in MLM will stay that way? As with all aspects in life, there are things needed in life beside know-how’s.

So it is not really surprising that in the world of MLM, attitude is the strongest determinant of your personal finance success.

Business structure, compensation plan, product and training systems are all important. But without the right attitude, they are just tools lying unused in a tool box – they don’t end up building any real-time personal finance in MLM.

It makes sense for those who are just new to building personal finance in MLM to focus on this all-important aspect. That is, if they want to be successful.

The only question left is what kind of attitude you should focus on.

Be coachable.

There’s no quicker way to fail in the world of MLM personal finance than to walk into a business assuming you already know what is going to work and what would not.

It is true that different people have different strengths. And different methods work better for some than for others. But it is important to remember that if great profits have been made in MLM personal finance, it can be done again.

Get alongside as many of your successful upline as you can. Ask them how you can make your business work, listen to what they say, and then follow through on their suggestions.

If something does not seem to be working, get alongside them again. Ask them what you could be doing differently, rather than assuming the concept itself is flawed.

Understand your purpose.

While there may well be people who get into MLM because they genuinely enjoy the challenges of the sales process, most sign up in this business because it had potential to help then achieve something big in their personal finance and in their lives.

Whether these people saw the potential to provide for their families, to create a financially secure future for themselves, or just to finally be debt-free, there is something in the original opportunity that inspired them to get involved.
Their own purpose. 

A big part of motivating people to do the work that needs to be done in MLM is keeping that purpose at the forefront of their minds. If a person wants to get there, he or she got to do what it takes.

Stay positive.

Achieving MLM personal finance success is related to developing the ability to stay positive.

Like anything else, there will be ups and downs along the process. Staying positive through the downs would not just make you more successful in the long run; it will make life far more enjoyable while you are getting there.

There you have it. The three keys to developing an attitude that will lead you to your MLM personal success.

The great thing about attitude determining your success? It is the one thing you have complete control over. You may not be able to do anything to change your company’s business structure, compensation plan, product or training systems, but you can always change your attitude.

Make a commitment to yourself. Learn what you need to learn to change what you need to change. Your MLM personal finance success will depend on it.

The view inside opt in MLM leads

The factors behind opt in MLM leads is to be inside, where the good stuff is located.

The situation would be like this; you outside of the opt in MLM leads industry, wanting to get in. to get the inside scoop of the leads business. If you knew what actually went on in some arenas, you may think the inside scoop looks like this picture.

How are opt in MLM leads generated?

For the most part, opt in MLM leads are generated over the Internet. While there is no definite study to prove this matter, it is safe to assume that 85-90% of all leads you find for sale are originated on the Internet.

There are two main reasons for this. First, the Internet is where most people are doing their research today when looking for jobs, looking for ways to make extra money, something to invest on, etc. So, why not go where the people are looking?

Second, it is the most cost effective way of generating opt in MLM leads.

Surely, a person is surfing the Internet, doing a Google search, and checking out their options for ways to make extra income. Or, sometimes the person is not even thinking about wanting more money when an online ad catches their attention and they check it out. So, they fill out a form and hit submit.

That is the basics behind online opt in MLM lead generation. Some person is out there surfing the Net. There is an online ad and a form. Filled out and submit. Then they are now a prospect waiting to be sold.

Quite a nice system. Wouldn’t we all like to receive a batch of opt in MLM leads after people had been surfing the Internet for ways of making money from home. Now you have their name, phone, and E-mail address in your hands.

But there are some variables that can make a big difference in the type of opt in MLM leads you are holding in your hands.

Incentivized opt in MLM leads.

One of the biggest problems that exists among the Internet lead generation business is the incentives that entices a person to fill out a form and submit.

If you have purchased opt in MLM leads long enough, then you have probably come across the person who did not know they were going to be contacted about a home business. Instead they thought they were going to get a new Video iPod, $10,000, or a vacation cruise.

So, what do you do? You go to an opt in MLM leads company and you buy a batch of leads.
The leads are $2.25 each, so you buy 50 of them for $112.50. There is a chance you may find a good prospect in there, one that will be targeted to the product or service that you are offering.

No opt in MLM lead is ever pure because you do not know what other sites the prospect has been to, filling out forms, and checking out other businesses.

However, if you are going to invest in opt in MLM leads,  it is worth a few extra minutes of research or an email or phone call to the owners; to know what kind of leads you are purchasing.

Opt in MLM leads are all about results. So go ask and test first.

Is the MLM business opportunity better off worked at home or what?

MLM is a legitimate and potentially lucrative way to work from home for your own MLM business opportunity. 

By directly selling products while creating your own upline downline, you can work your MLM business opportunity part-time, from home, and at in your own hours.  Even with all the potential for making money, you should decide, though if an MLM is for you.

Many people are blinded by all the benefits of an MLM when determining if this type of business is right for them.  You do not need to have a college degree or any experience to get into the industry. 

The products are already manufactured and are usually shipped by the company directly to your customers.  Plus, you choose your hours and your work location.  In fact, many MLM business opportunities are taken by people who work from the comfort of their own home.

Other benefits of an MLM business opportunity that is worked from home is that you have leverage; you continue earning commissions on a single effort.  You do not need to come up with your own business or marketing plan, because the company does it for you.  Also, recruiting and training systems are provided for you by the company.

Despite the numerous benefits, MLM businesses do come with some downfalls.

For instance, you usually start of marketing to family and friends. This is especially so if you are just starting your work from home MLM business. This can create some friction and alienation, especially among people who are more acquaintances than close friends and family.

The work is selling, so you need to have a pretty strong backbone, as many people will tell you, “no” instead of the much-coveted “yes”.  Therefore, it takes a lot of effort and motivation.

In order to make the most potential income, you need to continuously recruit new representatives.  Plus, if you are working from home, your MLM business opportunity require that you purchase a certain amount of product each month or quarter, adding in a financial commitment.

Working at home works for some people. But other people find that it takes a great deal of discipline and motivation to get the job done without being easily distracted. Before you decide to take up the MLM business opportunity and work at home, make sure that you get all the information that you need to make an informed decision.

So weighing out the good and bad, is MLM for you?

Well, if you are a self-starter with a lot of energy and motivation then it is a good start. If you have leadership skills and can set goals and meet them, then MLM might be for you, too.
MLM people have great people skills and are self-starters.  They have strong powers of persuasion and can influence people easily.They also have an ability to guide and encourage others to work the program. 

An MLM business opportunity is an ideal trade to run on the Internet and work from your home.  If you have the personality to run this type of business, then it could be the perfect opportunity for you. 

Just make sure you watch out for MLM scams and do your research before joining.  Then take advantage of the MLM opportunities that await you. Try working at home and see how well it suits you.

Do not want to start your own MLM business? Your loss…

Ask yourself. Why would you want to start your own MLM business? Maybe you want to be like those people who have already been in this filed and is earning the amount of money you can only dream about.

If you put in enough effort, you can make a substantial amount of money every single month once your MLM has started and is already on its feet.

Just think, you can even start an MLM from home. Most people go to work each day, working in an office, store, or factory. For most of these people the options are limited when it comes to being able to work at home.

There are some people, however, who have the luxury of being able to stay home while they earn their living. Some jobs can be accomplished at home in the same amount of time as anywhere else and with the same amount of quality.

No two people are the same. There are others who are better off starting their MLM business at home. There are also those who do not feel the advantage of doing so. Whatever their choices may be, everything will still depend on the person making the decision.

When considering whether to start an MLM business, always begin with a good look at yourself. Decide what suits your needs best. See where you will be more productive.

You must determine your needs and motivations to see if starting an MLM business is right for you. What are your goals? What amount of income do you need for the business to provide? Do you want to work full or part-time? Do you need additional training to start the business? What will my start-up costs be? A world of questions must be answered before venturing out into the world of direct marketing.

If you choose to start an MLM business of your own, you will find yourself in good company.

Today, multilevel marketing is big business. There are large multinational corporations doing business as MLM. Chances are you are considering being a distributor of such a company. They offer good products along will training and support programs to help you get your business on its feet.

The financial requirement to start an MLM business is usually fairly low. Under the dollar amount is $200 or less. Beware of programs that require you to purchase huge amounts of inventory.

Most of these large MLM companies do not have such demands. In most case, you are paid a commission on the sales you generate and simply follow the sale through to delivery and money is collected.

They may also pay you commission on sales you generate “downline.” That is by people that you have recruited to join the program. The more downline you recruit, the more commission you will get.

Start an MLM business on solid ground by approaching the best chances for sales first. Your family, friends, and associates can be your best customers and the ones most likely to buy.

Since most MLM products are those used around the house such as soap and cleaners, everyone is in the market. After you have gotten your pitch down, explore other markets for sales such as churches, schools, and other large collections of people familiar with you.

So, do not want to start your own MLM business? You are missing out half of your life….

Why you should choose working at home business opportunities offered by MLM?

Why you should choose working at home business opportunities offered by MLM?

MLM is a powerful business concept for many reasons but the most obvious is for the type of income it can provide the network marketer. It is so powerful that many fortune 500 companies have used, some are still using, this business model to build their multi-million dollar empire.

So why cannot the average person do the same?

The answer is average people are already working some great MLM home-based businesses opportunities. Are you one of them? If not, now is an excellent time to get started.

Millionaires have taken notice of MLM as a home-based business opportunity that average people can work into and build wealth.

MLM is a huge, thriving industry in spite of all the negative publicity it receives in the media from anti-MLM enthusiasts. Many millionaires express how MLM is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in building a home-based business without having to work from scratch.

Can you use some extra income?

Most consumers would probably answer yes to this question. Everybody can use extra income every month. But where is this extra income going to come from?

One obvious solution would be is to get a second job. This option may seem to be the best solution but is really not. This is because the time you spend on your second job and the money you receive after taxes is not enough.

Of course you will have to consider your reasons for getting a second job and why you need the extra income to determine if getting a second job is really the right solution for you.

However, on the other hand, you can start working on your own part-time home-based business using MLM as your business opportunity. You can get started in the industry for nearly nothing. This is a big plus.
How can you start working in an MLM home business opportunity you have heard so much about?

Getting started in network marketing has become so easy that anyone can get started even if you do not have a dime to invest in your start up. The key here is to simply get started then never quit.

Many legitimate MLM home business opportunities will allow you to get started for under $100. You can even find free opportunities with little or no overhead expenses and with great support from other members as well as the parent company.

These companies will provide all the tools and system for you. You simply add your sweat equity, your working commitment, and persistence to the MLM home business opportunity.

Remember to choose a well-established company that offers quality consumable products or services with an excellent management team and support to their distributors.

Another important key factor is your commitment to the company and its products and services. Working for a home business MLM opportunity means that you should be a bona-fide user and marketer of the products and services you want to earn extra income from.

In conclusion, MLM is a smart business opportunity sense for anyone wishing to start working at home. It cost next to nothing to get started, you get a proven system like you would if you bought a franchise opportunity, and you can be in profit in months rather than in years.

Therefore, if you desire more income while still working a 9 to 5 job, or to build your retirement income, then you should seriously consider working for a home business MLM opportunity.

Sitemap Creator

An important tip to remember every now and then is that people visit the site checking out for some information.  These Surfers can be an unforgiving lot. Once they found things useful for them in a site they would definitely visit every now and then.

The reason why site maps are indispensable is due to its helpfulness in letting the surfers understand the site program and plan and therefore, speed up the way to onset to what the site will be showcasing.  This is a part of the website created where the edifice of a web site can be visible to a surfer or visitor. These visitors can choose the link to where they want to surf with just a touch of the mouse of keyboard.

Here are Significant key pointers of a good site map, which helps visitors at finding information faster on a web site:

· The site map should be the simplest page on the web site.
· Keep the name "Site Map" so those visitors won't be having a hard time looking for it.
· Always avoid "dynamic" site maps. Those in which the visitors have to find their way easily to get hold of information.
· If the site map is list of text links, use the TITLE attribute of the anchor tag and include keywords inside it.
· Putting a sentence describing the page contents below the link for that page on a site map is always good.
· It should not be the primary navigation on the web site it should complement it.
· It is very important that there is a link to the site map page and all pages should carry this link. The site map link can be combined with other links in the main menu on the web site or placed at a section on the web page from which is it clearly seen.
· Other important factors on a web site should complement site maps. For example, the link color for visited links should be different from that of not yet visited links so that visitors have a clear idea which pages they have already seen and thus, save time.

In addition to the advantages a site map showcase to "living" surfers, it is also significant for robot surfers from search engines . As a web developer should be aiming to get all visible pages on the web site found in the search engine database. As expected a site map, from one page to another, should carry links to all, it is an ideal form to submit to search engines . Submission of the site map to a search engine might help in getting all web pages indexed quickly by the search engine. I may be incorrect since I have no data to support this point but it just seems logical. However, on a similar note, there is still a limit to all the information that a search engine could provide a visitor. For example, if there’s a page which is not found in the directory program of the web site, it will not be detected other search engines. With this in mind, another importance of a site map it tells the search engine instantly to go to a specifc page rather than scouting through the links.

Two important questions:
1. Will the website appear as it was planned even for robots?
2. Are the pages exact and effectively designed?
Having a site map assists the creator in planning the site before he can even start creating it. Once the pages have been decided, the whole thing becomes simpler and the web pages designs are easily matched to the creator’s ideas. 

There are 5 important tips in making a good site map:

Good Site Must-Have 1
The logo should be linked to the website homepage.

Good Site Must-Have 2
The Site map must be place either on top or on the upper left, under the header.  Unless everything’s in order already and sure about the design, never try to alter or make changes for a while.

Good Site Must-Have 3
There must be a congenial way to go around searching the web site.  Do not place the site map in a location that is different from one page to another, like if it is placed horizontally on one page, it should be placed horizontally on the rest of the other pages.  However, the case is different if it is a navigation system for a homepage.  This could differ in homepages.

Good Site Must-Have 4
Additionally, the logo of the homepage should be linked with a “HOME”  or any equivalent sign for easy work around or navigation.  There should also be a “contact us,” “about our site,” pages to be visited.

Good Site Must-Have 5
The golden rule for a good site map is that the number of a visitor’s clicks should be leading him every step of the way and not jumping to other pages.  It is required that the move should be as easy, reliable and above all, very user-friendly.

How to create a sitemap

A sitemap of a website is similar to the table of contents of a book.  Sitemaps are important because it guides web surfers to the particular part of the website they have a point of interest in. With it they would save time following links and get right to the point instead.

Sitemaps are also where search engines look at if somebody is looking for a particular keyword or phrase. If you have a site map, you can most likely be searched.

Creating a sitemap, now with software technology surging in, is relatively easier than before.  You need not be a programming guru to be one. All need is a notepad, a program editor, and some patience. Here’s how you do it:

Create the listing on a notepad.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a notepad. Any word processing program will do. First off, make sure to type in all the parts and pieces of your website. Include all pages and all links you have. Create it as if you listing the contents of your book. Make a draft first. You’re sure no to miss something out this way.

Create a new page for your sitemap.
You can insert the sitemap on your website on one of its pages or you can create an entirely different page for it. Using your notepad, incorporate all tags necessary to it to make another webpage. Open up your website creator program and tag your sitemap using it. If you have created your website on your own, this will be easy for you.

Create a link for the sitemap.
You won’t be able to view the sitemap if you won’t put a link for it, of course. Create the link on the front page of your website so that visitors can view it right away and be directed appropriately.

Check your work.
It is important to validate the functionality of the links you created on the sitemap. Test each and every one in there and if you get an error, be sure to fix it accurately. Run through every single page to make sure that all are accounted for.

Upload your work.
Place the sitemap now on your live browser and double check it. It should function as smoothly as the dry run. Error should be minimal at this stage since you already have verified it locally.

The steps provided herewith is the manual way of creating a sitemap. These days, if you search hard enough on the web, you will find online programs that will do all these work for you. All you have to do it type in the URL or the link of your website and they will create the sitemap with click of a button.

Of course that method is generic. All of you who have created their sitemap that way will have an end product that is all the same, plus there’s that possibility that something else will be inserted in there too. Then again, the process is less taxing and way, way simpler.

But if you want a more personalized output, and you are pretty good with computers and programming yourself, better make one of your own.  And since you made your website anyway, creating sitemap is just like creating any other page on the website. Other than you’ll know for sure the links are accurate, you can organize the links the way you prefer it to be. Major parts of the site are emphasized compared to less significant. This is important especially if you are selling products or offering services online.

Sitemap is vital to a website. People search the web a lot for something. If your website has what that particular person is looking for, and your sitemap reports it, then you have a new customer looking at your items.  Not only that, they will see some other things up for sale that they might be interested in as well.

Sitemaps, be it generated by a program automatically or you made it yourself, presents the same purpose. That is to lead your visitors to where they’re likely headed, and for you to be seen on the World Wide Web through search spiders.  So with these, make sure your website has a sitemap of its own, lest make one.

Sitemap taxonomy - To classify web content

Sitemap taxonomy is a way to classify the tremendous amount of information available on the World Wide Web. Organizing web content is a lot of work that requires manpower and money. But creating sitemap taxonomy is a process that must be done in order to make information readily available to users.

Often times the information is there but users are unable to access it. With the sitemap taxonomy, web content is arranged in such a way that the user will be able to use it effectively. As it is more and more users are flooded with information that is useless to them thus creating frustration.

Impact of sitemap taxonomy to Internet marketing

Sitemap taxonomy can be a big boost to Internet marketing. The whole purpose of being on the web is to get exposure to a wider audience of potential customers. Unfortunately, the overflow of information often makes it impossible for searchers or browsers to find what they need.

Most of the time online users form searches that often turn up useless or non-relevant results. This is not only frustrating for users but also for any company advertised on the web. Users are left guessing the right keyword they need to use in order to get the information they need off the web.

Unfortunately not all users have the patience to keep guessing until they find the right keyword. More often than not, users will give up their search and go on with another search. This can mean lost sales for any company on the web that doesn't have a sitemap taxonomy.

Building a sitemap taxonomy

Many people may think that building sitemap taxonomy is an easy simple process of putting together keywords. Sorry to say, sitemap taxonomy is a demanding task however it does have its rewards. With an effective sitemap taxonomy in place, a website is more likely to get more traffic that would translate into profits.

Working out a sitemap taxonomy is often a trial and error process. It requires using the right terms that users are better acquainted with, in order for them to find their way through the site. At the same time, using the wrong terms may make it impossible for users to find what they need within the site. 

There are generally two sets of online users that should benefit from the sitemap taxonomy, browsers and searchers. Browsers often use the sitemap taxonomy to find their way within a site while searchers use online search engines to find the information they need. No matter what type of user is involved, the sitemap taxonomy should address the needs of both users. Enabling either user to find the content they need.

Do-it-yourself sitemap taxonomy

The best candidate for creating the sitemap taxonomy of a site is the company itself or the individual behind the website content. Although hiring a professional to create the sitemap taxonomy of the site is an option, it is best that someone with firsthand knowledge of the website's content do it. There are a number of important aspects to consider before doing the sitemap taxonomy.

Keep in mind that in general the sitemap taxonomy should be extensive not profound. Putting together profound sitemap taxonomy may only make matters worse as the user will have a difficult time finding the subject matter they need. It is also best to use basic terms instead of advertising jargon that can be easily understood by all.

When structuring the sitemap taxonomy, it is important to maintain some exactness at the highest levels. This helps make it easier for users to navigate the site and find the information they need. It is also a good idea to limit the number of items under each level from two to seven subject matters. If not then it is best to combine subject matters for a more efficient sitemap taxonomy.

Take into account that sitemap taxonomy is not an exact science. It requires constant fine-tuning in order to produce an effective sitemap taxonomy. However the entire process will pay off big in the long run as users who are more likely to find what they need are those more likely to spend money.

Tips on Online Marketing

Marketing in a traditional sense has always been done by putting an ad either in the newspaper, the radio and the television.

Being in the digital age, efforts done by marketing to get the message across is not that different. It has just become a little more high tech which continues to help drive sales.

Businesses that want to sell something in the market need 2 things. The first is the product to be sold which later on will be distributed. The second is marketing which is the vehicle that is used to carry that message across to the consumer so that people are aware of its existence then it is purchased.

One way of the fastest ways of doing marketing today is building a website. Should one decide to shift and decide to do this, here are some tips one needs to know to get started.

1.    The first thing to do is to determine what the person wants to do. The product has to fill a need that the customers want right now. It should provide a solution of some kind that will make that will improve the quality of life either at home or at work.

2.    The next is to do the proper research. If the business is done with a group of people or a single proprietorship, it is best to brainstorm for the best domain name for the business. It should be catchy and will easily be remembered by people. Given that there are probably other people who have been in the business longer and that it is possible that the domain name has already been taken, it is best to think of several names in case it can no longer be used.

There are sites in the web that have search engines to look for a specific subject and using popular keywords for ones website  will easily help people find it. These sites also allow one to make a site map which can be downloaded in minutes for a small fee. 

Another good example is the various email sites and by doing a tie-up with these companies, one can get exposure as well as free service since people who do not have an account can also sign up and be an active member.

3.    A product of good quality should be sold at a decent price. Sometimes, the product one makes is already available in the market. To be competitive, one must figure out a way to convince people as to why this product is better than the other leading brands available. What features does it have that the competitor doesn’t? What makes it unique which is not only about the product on hand but the service that this can give as well?

4.    Just like having a normal business, one must acquire the right equipment and machines for the job. These could be merchandise that is either physical or electronic and an online ordering system.

To be successful, one should be sure that the goods that a customer will order can be delivered on time. If there are any problems, a customer support staff or system should be ready to cater to that. 

5.    It takes money to make more money so one should be careful with what needs to be spent. By putting in tight controls in terms of expenditures and keeping track of the current balance while maintaining the same level of quality saves money which can be used for other things.

To avoid falling in this predicament, the first thing one must do is manage the expenses.  It is always good to carry a notebook around to log whatever expenses have been made or have a logbook to keep track how much balance is left. That way, a person can stay within a budget on a monthly basis.

6.    With everything in place, it is now time to promote the site. One can email to friends about the site and what it offers then this too will also be forwarded and advertised to others. Another is showcasing ones website in E-zines or electronic magazines to get more customer traffic.

Any business big or small must have the right resources available to get the message across to the people and building a web site or a site map takes time. One can do it alone if that person knows how to do it, get professional help or simply start from the basics and learn it from the ground up.

Benefits of a generator sitemap

Generator sitemap programs can be downloaded from various sources on the Internet. Generator sitemap programs have two fundamental purposes. Generator sitemap programs help surfers navigate a site effectively. At the same time, a generator sitemap program encourages search engine spiders. Google offers one of the most popular generator sitemap programs ever to hit the Internet.

The generator sitemap of google makes it possible for a website to get listed and get updated by the google search engine. Setting up the generator sitemap helps speed up the addition of the web pages of a site to the google listing. The generator sitemap also makes it easier for a site to get noticed by online surfers. In addition, any changes made to a website that has a generator sitemap is immediately picked up by google. The generator sitemap also helps keep online information fresh and up-to-date for users.

Visibility is key to generator sitemap

Visibility is a major concern when using a generator sitemap. A website that is completely indexed has better chances of getting top search engine placement in page results. Many of the popular browsers used by searchers and that support java recognize generator sitemap programs. These include firefox and Internet explorer. 

An online consumer that searches for a specific content on the web can immediately be directed to any one of the web pages of a particular site. The generator sitemap makes it easier for a search engine to provide accurate results from web pages they are familiar with.

Who can benefit from a generator sitemap?

A generator sitemap is highly recommended for websites that often do repeated modification of their web pages. A generator sitemap can be used for websites of any size, regardless of the number of web pages a site may contain.

Although using a generator sitemap is not a guarantee of increased site rankings, it does however provide a website a better opportunity of getting listed on a search engine.

Working with a generator sitemap

Most of the available generator sitemap programs available on the web make use of extensible markup language or XML. Similar to hypertext markup language or HTML, XML is used widely in blogs and syndicated feeds on the Internet. Each line of a XML code for a generator sitemap has a specific purpose.

The location or <.loc> identifies the name of the web page of a website. The line <.lastmod> indicates when the web page was last modified. The format for <.lastmod> can either be, hh:mm, dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. Shortcuts can also be used to simply the assignment of dates to the cell.

<.changefreq> advises the search engine of a specific time frame when the web page is regularly updated. This can either be done on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. For web pages that are not updated, the value 'never' is used. <.priority> indicates the level of priority that a search engine should give a particular web page of a website. These levels range from 0.0 for least priority to 1.0 for high priority.

Creating a dynamic generator sitemap

Creating a dynamic generator sitemap is useful for websites containing various web pages. The google search engine makes it easy for users to adapt their google sitemap with the help of a python script.

The python script generates a sitemap using sitemap protocol. This creates a sitemap from either access logs, URL lists or from web server directories.

Tips for using a generator sitemap from google

As one of more popular search engines offering a generator sitemap for websites on the Internet, google offers a few tips for its loyal users. Using the google sitemap url encoder/decoder is helpful for submitting sitemaps to google. For websites that have numerous web pages, creating a sitemap can be a tremendous task. For this situation it is best to click on the column title in order to make it easier for a URL list to get sorted.

The google generator sitemap allows users to save their settings after creating a sitemap. Users can use these saved settings as a guideline for succeeding generator sitemap updates. The generator sitemap also recognizes the use of robots.txt files.

Using a generator sitemap is a positive move in getting top ranking on the Internet's top search engines as well as high visibility among online users. 

Sitemaps 101 - Benefits of and Tips on Designing a Sitemap

Have you ever wondered how a search engine works? It must be fascinating figuring out how this search tool could direct you to several websites that are relevant to your keywords. Or, have you experienced instances where the link that supposedly contains your keywords is not exactly what you have in mind? You would probably think that there must be something wrong with the search engine that it generated irrelevant results.

How does a search engine work?
Two things figure greatly in making search engines work effectively and efficiently: the electronic search spider and the sitemap.

What is a sitemap?
A sitemap is basically a page or pages that serve/s as a directory by listing all the links to all documents and files found in a website. It is not merely a random listing of links, but organized in such a way that it gives the web user an idea of how all the information that can be found in the site fits into an outline or framework. It is like viewing the table of contents of a book, or viewing the “concept map” of the site’s content.

What is a spider?
In SEO language, spider is not an animal found in your closet. This electronic search spider is actually a bot which collects data and copies content to be stored in the search engine’s database when keywords are fed into the search dialogue box. The spider reads the content of the site and sends another bot to follow the links and copy the content contained in them.

What purpose does a sitemap serve?
A sitemap like any other map gives directions to a navigator. It primarily targets search engine spiders so that they are properly directed to your site and to the links where keywords entered in the search dialogue appears.  As such, it is actually a useful tool in search engine optimization. A well organized site map would guide the spider to find the information it needs when keywords are entered during a search operation.

As an additional beneficial consequence, sitemaps have proven to be useful even to web users. Since a sitemap displays all the links to information found in a website, it helps the user to search for a particular topic in mind. Many users also use the sitemap to navigate between pages in a site.

What are the benefits of having a sitemap for my website?

1.    No page would be left unturned
Going back to the purpose of sitemaps, having one would mean faster and easier tracking and crawling of spiders all over your site. As a result, search engines would surely get to the view all the pages of your site and not just the pages containing random keywords.

2.    Easier navigation for site visitors
Once a web user has accessed your sitemap, they need not go back to the search engine page to look for what they need. If what they are looking for is in your site, then they would have an easier and faster way of locating it.

3.    Potential advertising value
If it so happens that a relevant product or service company reaches your site, then it would be easier for them to see how best they can position themselves in the different pages of your site as a paid page advertisement.

4.    Encourage greater traffic to your site
If your company website has a sitemap then potential buyers would have an easier time in accessing your latest products and services. Moreover, they would not miss out on any product that might be off future interest to them since the sitemap would display all information found the site.

How are sitemaps formatted?
There are at least three major types of sitemaps: indexed, full categorical, and restricted categorical. An indexed site map appears as an alphabetical listing or directory.
A full categorical map displays all links classified into categories; while a restricted categorical sitemap displays all links listed in a chosen category at a time. The full and restricted sitemaps are very similar except that the former displays all links in all categories all at once in a page, while the latter focuses only the links under the selected category for easier and less eye-straining viewing.

The most widely used format is the full categorical. Based on the results of a 1999 SURL study on sitemap designs, the full categorical format is most preferred by users since it is easier to search for topics within the site and it allows easier comparison between and among categories.

Some tips in setting up your sitemap

1.    Link the sitemap only to your homepage.
This is to ensure that the spider starts searching from your homepage down to all the pages listed in your sitemap. In this way, no page would be left unvisited by the spider.

2.    Do not go beyond 30 pages for a sitemap.
Large websites having 50 or more pages should not go beyond 30 since this adds more pages to the site, and might make search engines think that the sitemap is a link farm. Also, this prevents overcrowding of links which could be tiring to view.

3.    Check all the links listed in your sitemap.
It can be discouraging when you click on a link only to find out that nothing is displayed. Test your sitemap; click all links in every page to make sure that all links are indeed linked to the right page.

4.    Give keyword-rich titles to sitemap links.
Keyword-rich titles give your site more advantage in being searched properly under the right category. But be sure to have this sitemap link linked back to the sitemap (e.g. back to sitemap).

5.    Provide a short description for the links in the sitemap.
Doing so would give readers a better idea of what to find in the link and save them time on surfing.

6.    Be consistent in designing your sitemap with the other pages of the site.
Employ a recurring design and the same HTML template for all pages to establish identity and build character to your website.

Now that you have learned basic things about sitemaps, maybe it is time for you to build one for your site.

Site Making Using Google

Businesses that want to sell something in the market need 2 things. The first is the product to be sold which has to be made then distributed to places like the grocery, the mall or the supermarket. The second is marketing which is the vehicle to carry that message across to the consumer so that people are aware of its existence then it is purchased.

The age of the internet has given people the opportunity to make money via the web. There are a lot of websites that offer a person the chance to be seen easily and quickly and one of the best right now is using site maps created by Google.

The benefits of using Google are the following;

·    It helps people find ones web page better than other search engines because of better crawl coverage.

·    People will be able to search on certain keywords that the person put in place which will directly lead searchers to ones website.

·    It allows the person to provide specific information to Google about the web page such as the last time it was modified or how often it is changed.

·    Using Google straight will allow ones web page to be seen quickly which is a lot better than other computer companies who promise to do the same thing but can’t deliver in the end.

Now that the benefits have been mentioned, it is now time to go through the step by step process to make a Google site map.

1.    The first thing that needs to be done is to do the proper research. The service or product has to fill a need that the customers want right now. It should provide a solution of some kind that will make that will improve the quality of life either at home or at work.

2.    Next, one should focus on the product or service that is being offered to the customer must be sold at a decent price. Sometimes, the product one makes is already available in the market. To be competitive, one must figure out a way to convince people as to why this product is better than the other leading brands available. What features does it have that the competitor doesn’t? What makes it unique which is not only about the product on hand but the service that this can give as well?

Just like a normal business where business is done on the phone or in a store, one must acquire the right equipment and machines for the job. These could be merchandise that is either physical or electronic and an online ordering system.

To be successful, one should be sure that the goods that a customer will order can be delivered on time. If there are any problems, a customer support staff or system should be ready to cater to that. 

3.    If the business is done with a group of people or a single proprietorship, it is best to brainstorm for the best domain name for the business. It should be catchy and will easily be remembered by people. Given that there are probably other people who have been in the business longer and that it is possible that the domain name has already been taken, it is best to think of several names in case it can no longer be used.

4.    When a domain name has been selected, one should enter the URL of the website to be created. Google site maker will then crawl the site and create a list of all the links it can find.

5.    Next, one should fix the control settings. Doing this will determine how frequent the contents of the site changes which will let Google know how often it should be crawled.

6.    If there are certain URL’s that a person does not wish to be included in ones site, Google can be instructed to bypass it so that it will not be crawled and posted on ones site map. One can select what types of files to be bypassed whether these are .zip or .exe files.

7.    Also, one has the option of adding the sites FTP information since Google can automatically upload the site map for the person.

SEO Sitemaps Give Websites a Boost

A lot of web pages will find an SEO sitemap useful in improving their performance.  SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, the process that aims to create or revise Internet sites so that it can be better found by search engines.  The objective of SEO campaigns is to have websites appear in the top listing or first results page of search engines.

Internet search engines, such as Google and A9, maintain a very large database of Web pages and available files.  To do this, they devise a program called a web crawler, or spider.  This software automatically and continuously surfs and hunts content in the Web.  Pages that the spider finds are retrieved and indexed according to text content, giving more weight to titles and paragraph headers.  Spiders never stop navigating the web from page to page, to index the relevant content of the Internet.  Besides looking at the text of titles and headers, some programs are able to identify default tags and keep a library of these page keywords or key phrases in the index.

When a user connects to the Internet types a query, which is automatically interpreted as keywords, the search engine scans the saved index and creates a list of web pages that is most appropriate to what the user is searching for. 

SEO will use all the combined techniques of keyword analysis, smart code, good content literature, link popularity study and website organization to place the subject web page as high as possible in the list of search results in search engines.  Web pages displayed on the top of results pages are assumed to get the most attention, and therefore, opportunity for earnings for web businesses and pages with sponsor links.

Search engines usually return a list of results ranking pages according to the number of Internet sites linked to them.  Results can be classified as organic, or sponsored links.  Sponsored links are shown prominently because their creators or agents paid the search engine.  Sponsored links are the main source of income of search engines.  “Organic” search results are the lists of actual results from the engines index and are directly related to the keyword typed in the request.
One of the more effective techniques of SEO is the creation of a well-organized site map in a website.  Since the site’s main page and other content are directly linked to a site map, spiders can more easily move through the website, identify the key words of the content, and index these for a search engine.  This is where the SEO sitemap helps the website creator or administrator.

Site maps are usually pages filled with links.  These are shown as tables or lists, although lists are generally more effective.  Writing code for SEO sitemaps is very easy and simple to format and maintain.  These are ideally basic HTML pages with default tags, logical titles and keywords scattered in the Meta description.  Introduction areas can contain more of the keywords.  The site should have a main heading for every directory.

A simple list layout helps reduce unnecessary tags that might “hide” your keywords.  Some spiders give more weight to the following, than text in the normal body of the webpage:  heading text, content within link elements, text nearer the top of the page and the text written for a link.  Therefore, writing the keywords and links in these areas could somehow move up the web page’s ranking.  This goes for SEO sitemaps as well.

Web sites should be designed consistently, so navigation models should follow the flow of the site map.  Therefore, the first section in the site map should be the first link in the navigation bar. 

In an SEO Sitemap, and most pages, the headings contain title attributes where more key phrases in the site map can be added. Keywords are generally well chosen and written in the body of a webpage.  However, in an SEO site map with little text, key words should be added as much as possible.  As much as possible, web links should follow web page titles, and must undergo SEO during coding.  Care must be exercised not to cram the page with keywords and links, or the page will be interpreted as blatant spamming and not receive any traffic at all.

There is no way to guarantee that a website will be shown in the topmost ranking of "organic" search results for an extended period of time.  However, smart and responsible SEO sitemap techniques can be used to place the website high up in the search position.  Regular monitoring and adjustment of the SEO Sitemap and search results would ensure that a website is kept near the top ranking and receiving lots of web user traffic.


A website refers to a compilation of Web pages that can be typically accessed through a software package, commonly known as  a Web browser (one example is the HTTP on the Internet). These pages, which are essentially documents that are in the HTML or XHTML format (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language), are accessed from a 'common root URL' - or the website's homepage (as most people know it). From this homepage, the visitor/Internet user can browse or look through the entire website either with the use of the hyperlinks or the URLs of the different web pages.

Viewed on computers and other devices that are capable of connecting with the Internet (such as PDAs and cellular phones), websites can be grouped into numerous types, depending on their use or the services that they offer. Some of them include the following:

·    Archive site - maintains and protects electronic contents that are valuable to the point of extinction.

·    Business site - promotes a business or a service.

·    Commerce or eCommerce site - offers goods for sale.

·    Community site - allows people with related and similar interests to communicate with each other (either through chat or message boards).

·    Database site - searches and displays a particular database's content.

·    Development site - provides data and sources that are related to software development and web design, among others.

·    Directory site - contains wide-ranging contents that are usually divided into categories and subcategories.

·    Download site - allows users to download electronic contents, such as game demos and software.

·    Game site - provides a 'playground' where people meet and play.

·    Information site - contains data or content that have the sole purpose of informing visitors (not for commercial purposes).

·    News site - dispenses or distributes news and commentaries (similar to an information site).

·    Pornography site - shows pornographic videos and images.

·    Search engine site - provides general information and serves as a 'gateway' for other sites and resources (can also be a web portal site).

·    Shock site - shows images and other materials that aim to offend viewers.

·    Vanity site - a personal site that is run or maintained by an individual or a small group, the contents of which can be of any information that the site owner wishes to include.

·    Blog site or blogs - registers online readings and posts online diaries or discussion forums.

·    Wiki site - allows users to collaboratively edit the contents.

Yahoo! is perhaps the most famous example of a very large website. The most popular and widely-used website, Yahoo! is a mixture of the different types of sites - it is a directory site and a search engine site, among others.

Because of the enormous (and diverse) amount of information that it contains, the Yahoo! site map is an extremely useful feature in the Yahoo! website.

A site map is a web page that lists the entire pages on a web site. Organized in a hierarchical fashion, site maps can be in textual or visual form (a diagram or an image).

The Yahoo! site map serves as a blueprint for the Yahoo! website. Similar to a book's Table of Contents, the Yahoo! sitemap makes it easier for visitors or users to find specific information or pages on the Yahoo! web site without having to browse many pages, because the site map gives an overview or a visual outline of the Yahoo! web site, with each location provided with active links to enable the user to directly move to a specific location.

In addition, the Yahoo! site map allows web developers to put out links from across their sites, making it easier for search engine robots (or engine spiders) to find these pages.

Because the Yahoo! site map improves the search engine optimization of a site, this feature can be considered a valuable tool for online marketers, whose aim is to stimulate and direct traffic to their web sites.

Note, however, that the Yahoo! site map can only give you the 'basics'. Because it is important for web marketers to 'rank high' on main search engines, an effective web marketing strategy that promotes your web site is also very much needed. Listed below are some search engine strategies to consider:

1. Write a descriptive page title at the top of your webpage that avoids 'filler' words like "the" or "and".

2. Incorporate descriptive keywords on your home page, along with your business name. This is  called "keyword prominence".

3. Include a Description Meta Tag at the top of the web page. This refers to the sentences (1 or 2 lines, with a maximum of around 255 characters) that describe the content of your web page.

These are just some of the many techniques that you can employ to get more users to visit your website. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and let Yahoo! site map do the rest.

Mapping Your Way to a Good HTML Site Map

Ever wondered what site maps are for?

In any internet marketing endeavor, the best thing to do is to maintain a good linkage and to always stay indexed. There many ways available to you online to have your web site indexed and spidered. Using HTML site maps is a way you can utilize to make sure that your site is up to date in the internet and search engine database.

What is a site map?

A site map basically is a page that features or lists the links you have on your web site. This will make it easier for search engines to proceed and spider your web site. It is usually found near the bottom page of a web site.

Why are site maps important?

An HTML site map is important. It should contain the top level pages. In one page, there should be just about the right amount of links in it. The link should not exceed 100 for more favorable views.

There are certain benefits in having a good HTML sitemap. This generally would assure any potential customer to easily navigate the site, find exactly what they came to look for. The site map page will serve as a tool for your visitors. This way they will opt to visit your site more if they can easily browse and find their way in your web site. It can also ensure that your visitors can very well stay in your web site.

Good links will also ensure you that spiders will locate your web site easily each week. This will make your site indexed by the important search engines online. This will also avoid your site from being dropped.

However, HTML site maps may serve more important purpose than merely as another link to click on. The specific purpose you should consider in having a site map is to make it easier for search engine robots to ‘crawl’ in your web site. Pages are located by search engines through ‘crawling.’ It is a process that goes through the index of a page, following the links and adding the pages to the database.

The problem would come in when search engines fail to locate the page because links are not that accessible. It is the site map that will address this dilemma. Search engines will be given access to the different links in your web site simply by following the site map in your home page.

Here are some important pointers in creating your HTML site map.
1.    Get tutorials on how to make your site map. There are available pages online that can give you a step-by-step guide in coming up with a good website.

2.    You can also ensure that your site map looks good, to make it more pleasing to the eye of your visitor and to make navigation easier. You can get ideas for a properly designed site map online too.

3.    Make sure that your site map will provide also the links to the important pages in your web site. This way your visitors will not get lost. At the same time you can ensure that your guests will still be able to get the general idea of your web site structure. It is advisable that you make links as simple as possible.

4.    Make the link to your site map as visible and obvious as possible in your homepage. Visitors should not spend too much time in locating it or else you might end up losing them.

5.    A site map serves more like a table of contents of your website. It should provide all of the different sections of your internet site with all the information and data that may be found in each section.

6.    Each of the contents in your site map must have a hyperlink to its respective URL.

7.    If you will have to give way to numerous links, you can make use of several pages. You could numbers each site-map page or you could also make use of the contents in naming each site-map.

Having an HTML site map will furthermore help you in maximizing traffic to your web site. Just make sure that your homepage as well all the internal pages are properly indexed. Creating a site map will definitely make things more efficient for you. The links to all the pages in your website will be directly connected to your homepage.

Aim high for your internet marketing endeavors. The more links you have to your site, the higher is the possibility of getting a good rank among the major search engines, so don’t hesitate to learn the rules of the game and make yourself a sure winner.

All you need to know about RSS

What does RSS mean?

RSS may mean three different things. The original RSS (RDF Site Summary RSS 0.9) was developed by Dan Libby for Netscape. After a couple of months, they produced a simpler and easier-to-use version called Rich Site Summary or RSS 0.91. But they later lost interest, leaving it without an owner. As more and more users were using RSS, Winer made an adapted version of RSS 0.91 for Userland, claiming it as his own. Later in 2005, Microsoft developed Really Simple Syndication in relation to its Simple Sharing Extensions.

What is RSS?

RSS is a XML file format for syndicating content and news in the web. It is usually used by websites that constantly need to update their content regularly such as news websites (CNN, BBC and Reuters) and weblogs. Since it essentially gives one’s webpage more traffic, it is now more widely used in marketing, web publications and virus reports. Today, large and small websites alike are usually RSS-enabled.

For example, you’re an avid fan of baseball and you want to share something recent about one of the players. Other than content, you can also attach multimedia files, like videos or pictures. By using RSS feeds, other Internet users subscribed to RSS-enabled sites can read your “headline” for free. They can also track for changes and updates using news aggregators, which will be discussed later on.

How does RSS work?

To be able to use RSS, you first have to download a software (content management system), by which XML format can be read. The title and, excerpt of the article, and a link to the full article are shown. Other than just text, you can also insert multimedia files in RSS feeds like pictures, videos, mp3s and others. Broadcatching, picturecasting, photocasting, and podcasting are some features you can incorporate into your feed, but will not be discussed in this article.

For users to access a RSS feed, they need to use an aggregator or a feed reader. An aggregator searches for updates on RSS-enabled webpages then displays it. It can either be a standalone program or a web browser extension, depending on your operating system. Search engines for web content broadcasted over RSS feed are also available such as Plazoo and Feedster.

How can I make an RSS feed?

It is definitely easier to make an RSS feed if you know HTML. If not, you could sign up for a blog (there are hundreds out there), some of which automatically creates RSS. If you’re using a personal webpage building system, you need to understand more about RSS. Making an RSS feed from scratch is relatively easy.

A RSS feed should always contain an “item”, whichever version of RSS you might use. If you wrote about a recent event in your city or a book review, the contents of this article can form an item. An item is essentially composed of three things: a title, its description, and link (where they can find your webpage). In choosing a title and description, use something that will describe the web content best. Although it will be easier for you, it doesn’t follow that the title tag of your webpage and the item title are the same.

An item will look like HTML tags. First, you need to put an opening channel tag that defines it as an XML file. Then, label the tag as an item by putting <item> after the channel tag. After this, you can now insert the three essentials of your item: <title>, <description>, and <link>. Just like HTML, we need to close the tag by writing </channel> and </rss> at the bottom.

An RSS feed that contains multiple tags looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">


<title>Anne Rice’s Belinda: A Book Review</title>
<description> If you haven’t read any Anne Rice books yet, you will be greeted with shocking romantic relationships forming between unlikely characters… </description>
<link> </link>

<title>Harry Potter IV: Darker with More Deaths</title>
<description> The recently released Harry Potter installation has proved dark for its younger readers…</description>
<link> </link>



Now, if you’re still having a hard time understanding these tags, look for HTML tags tutorial to further grasp the concept. Have fun!

A Guide to RSS Aggregators

One of the most popular features of Internet portals, websites, pages and even emails is a frame that features an organized list of news headlines and periodic updates from other web sources.  Really Simple Syndication, formerly “Rich Site Summary” or simply, RSS makes this possible. 

Most users visit a lot of websites whose content continually change, such as news sites, community organization or professional association information pages, medical websites, product support pages, and blogs.  As Internet surfing became an intrinsic part of business and leisure, it became important to get rid of the very tedious task of repeatedly returning to each website to see updated content.

RSS easily distributes information from different websites to a wider number of Internet users.  RSS aggregators are programs that use RSS to source these updates, and then organize those lists of headlines, content and notices for easy reading.  It allows computers to automatically retrieve and read the content that users want, then track changes and personalize lists of headlines that interests them.

The specially made computer programs called “RSS aggregators” were created to automatically find and retrieve the RSS feeds of pre-selected internet sites on behalf of the user and organize the results accordingly. (RSS feeds and aggregators are also sometimes referred to as "RSS Channels" and "RSS Readers".)

The RSS aggregator is like a web browser for RSS content.  HTML presents information directly to users, and RSS automatically lets computers communicate with one another.  While users use browsers to surf the web then load and view each page of interest, RSS aggregators keeps track of changes to many websites.  The titles or descriptions are links themselves and can be used to load the web page the user wants.

RSS starts with an original Web site that has content made available by the administrator.  The website creates an RSS document and registers this content with an RSS publisher that will allow other websites to syndicate the documents.  The Web site also produces an RSS feed, or channel, which is available together with all other resources or documents on the particular Web server.  The website will register the feed as an RSS document, with a listed directory of appropriate RSS publishers.

An RSS feed is composed of website content listed from newest to oldest.  Each item usually consists of a simple title describing the item along with a more complete description and a link to a web page with the actual content being described.  In some instances, the short description or title line is the all the updated information that a user wants to read (for example, final games scores in sports, weblogs post, or stock updates).   Therefore, it is not even necessary to have a web page associated with the content or update items listed -- sometimes all the needed information that users need would be in the titles and short summaries themselves.

The RSS content is located in a single file on a webpage in a manner not very different from typical web pages.  The difference is that the information is written in the XML computer code for use by an RSS aggregator and not by a web user like a normal HTML page.

There are 2 main parts that are involved in RSS syndication, namely:  the source end and the client end.

The client end of RSS publishing makes up part of the system that gathers and uses the RSS feed.  For example, Mozilla FireFox browser is typically at the client end of the RSS transaction.  A user’s desktop RSS aggregator program also belongs to the client end.

Once the URL of an RSS feed is known, a user can give that address to an RSS aggregator program and have the aggregator monitor the RSS feed for changes.  Numerous RSS aggregators are already preconfigured with a ready list of RSS feed URLs for popular news or information websites that a user can simply choose from.

There are many RSS aggregators that can be used by all Internet users.  Some can be accessed through the Internet, some are already incorporated into email applications, and others run as a standalone program inside the personal computer.

RSS feeds have evolved into many uses.  Some uses gaining popularity are:

·For online store or retail establishments:  Notification of new product arrivals
·For organization or association newsletters:  title listings and notification of new issues, including email newsletters
·Weather Updates and other alerts of changing geographic conditions
·Database management:  Notification of new items added, or new registered members to a club or interest group.

The uses of feeds will continue to grow, because RSS aggregators make access to any information that individual users like more convenient and fun.

Using RSS fields in communication

RSS is fast replacing email marketing and newsletters. You would not want to be left behind would you? Your competitor will surely overtake you and speed right up. RSS is mostly called Really Simple Syndication, although some give other meaning to the acronym. It is a process by which you could place a feed on websites that can read RSS from your directory.

Information distribution has been made simply by RSS. Simply put, with RSS, you can place your headline to other website for more people to see it. In marketing, it is a known concept that the more people you reaches to, the more likely that your product will sell.

RSS is an XML-based application. XML is similar in a way to HTML, which we all know is the most common website creator application. From a directory, it would feed the headlines into website that has an RSS reader. Creating an RSS feed would definitely boost up your sales. How can you make an RSS feed? Just follow these simple steps:

Create a file for your feed.
Using a certain format, you’d have to create the XML version of your feed. It should include the title or the headline, the body’s short description, and the link where it can be read. There are a lot of different RSS web channel editor you can use for this. Some programs just require you to write news and articles down on a notepad and when placed on the editor, it will show up with the necessary formatting ready for upload. It would be advisable to make at least ten articles for your feed.

Save and Upload the file.
After creating your file, save your work as an XML, RSS, or an RDF file. Then you are now ready to upload it. Upload the file using your FTP program and place it on your web server. This process now makes the file readable by RSS news aggregators.

Validate the file.
Make your RSS program error-free. RSS is programming, so errors could lie unseen. Again, there are different programs that can assist you for this process. You would just need to place the saved and uploaded RSS file for the program to test it against wrong and missed code and tags. It is essential for you to check your work of course. This way, you’re sure that what you have is readable and usable.

Create a directory.
Now that you have created the file, saved it, and made sure it works, you are ready to let other see it. The main purpose of an RSS feed is to broadcast it to all RSS enabled sites. So go ahead and look for a directory where you can place your feed. Some may require fees for uploading a directory. Some offer it for free. Scout around and round up all the free sites you can have and place it there. If you have some marketing budget, you might want to subscribe to sites that charge a minimal amount. Don’t forget to place an icon of your RSS feed on your website, too for those people who visits you directly.

Update regularly.
With RSS, you know that the feed changes automatically every time you change the main file. Don’t let your RSS feed sit there for a month without modifying it. Maintain it. Add new articles. The more exciting your topic is, the more people will check your feeds and visit your website.

Creating an RSS feed for Internet marketing is made very simple now a days. Even people who are not computer savvy can create RSS feeds, based on the steps provided above. The applications that were created for RSS creation are the ones that make it easy for everyday computer users to make an RSS feed. All you need is familiarization with the process.

Start now creating RSS feeds. Give your competitor something fierce to duel with. Needless to say, RSS feeds give your website more traffic than usual web hosting. And web traffic means more people seeing your products that could be interested in buying them. Add strength to your marketing strategy. Make RSS feeds and be ready to sell.

Reading RSS Feeds with an RSS Aggregator

RSS or Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary is the latest information management tool that is gradually earning popularity among web users and website owners. With RSS technology, it is possible to get the latest postings from your favorite websites. But clicking on the RSS or XML button in a homepage is not enough to give you the service you need. An RSS feed or code displayed in the pop-up screen if not on the main page is composed of symbols and words that would only make sense to advanced RSS users and computer programmers and software enthusiasts. Another software tool called an RSS aggregator or reader is needed.
An aggregator works by scanning the worldwide web with latest postings based on the RSS code (containing the website’s URL) provided or added by the user. When it finds a new posting, news, or update, it will publish the RSS feed on your home page containing the title of the posting, which also serves as a clickable link to the website source. This RSS feed may or may not contain the whole article, a summary, and photos, depending on what RSS aggregator you are using.

Aggregators come in two types: the downloadable program or desktop-type and the online or web-based type. The desktop aggregator usually charges a certain amount for its services; this would include regular updating in the form of upgrades or patches to the original version. This type of RSS reader allows more customization of RSS feeds as well as page format or design over its on-line counterparts. But of course, price can be a drawback.

On-line or web-based aggregators are free of charge. All you need to do is register an account with them then you can start enjoying their services. Depending on the “brand” of the aggregator, customization is more limited. Some even do not allow you to customize at all.

Product and service advertisers are realizing the potential of RSS aggregators in internet marketing. In fact, several submit RSS codes to several popular web-based aggregators to reach the growing technophile and internet-based market. My Yahoo has been instrumental in popularizing RSS technology to both users and website owners and advertisers.

At present, there are many aggregators to choose from and newer versions of the same aggregator are constantly developed by its programmers.

Below are some of these desktop and online aggregators:
Desktop Aggregators
1.    AmphetaDesk
-    free
-    supports Linux, Mac, and Windows
-    easy addition of RSS feeds

-    not maximized use of screen display
-    few options for customizing

2.    FeedDemon
-    user friendly
-    free trial version
-    contains prepared popular feeds
-    allows filtering of RSS feeds
-    configurable “watch list” to manage junk RSS feeds
-    search channel feature that incorporates other RSS services e.g. Feedster
-    allows feed storage for future use
-    tabbed browsers for channel navigation
-    built-in podcast receiver

-    supports only Internet Explorer (embedded)
-    paid software (`$29.95)

Online Aggregators
1.    Bloglines
-    all major browsers supported (e.g. Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Firefox)
-    user-friendly especially for beginners
-    free, web-based aggregator
-    easy registration
-    no advertisements
-    contains its own directory of RSS feeds of thousands of websites
-    personal email account for subscribing to newsletter emails (optional)
-    allows privacy adjustments for personal blogs
-    allows saved searches
-    mobile version available
-    10 languages supported
-    Additional add-on tools for automated blogrolls and subscription buttons

2.    NewsGator
-    free (consumer-standard version)
-    provides personalized news channel
-    allows translation of RSS articles into email format
-    synchronization of feeds in several devices possible
-    browse and search feed capabilities save time on surfing
-    allows keyword filtering
-    blog headlines
-    button-click automatic subscription to news feeds

-    Outlook-based thus limited to Windows

3.    My Yahoo
-    Free web-based aggregator
-    user-friendly
-    customizable home page design
-    button-click subscription to RSS feeds
-    built-in directory and search tool for feeds
-    wide variety of feeds e.g. news (science, technology, local), weather
-    connects to all Yahoo features and services

-    banner advertisements

There are also lightweight RSS aggregator extensions which are actually plug-ins to existing internet browsers. An example of which is Sage aggregator.

-    free of charge
-    beginner-friendly
-    reeds both RSS and Atom feeds
-    allows feed discovery
-    can be assimilated to Firefox bookmark (storage and live)
-    allows OPML feed lists imports and exports
-    customizable style sheets
-    supports a wide range of locales e.g. Catalan, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Polish, Slovenian, etc.
-    easy installation

-    good for about 12 RSS feeds
-    limited use to Mozilla-Firefox and Mozilla-Firefox supported browsers

RSS developers promise better features in future versions of their aggregators. Microsoft is planning to include a built-in aggregator in their next Windows version. These developments are definitely something to look forward to by all internet aficionados.